10 Successful Applications Built with Node.js

April 05, 2023

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Node.js is a versatile and powerful platform for building scalable and high-performance applications. It has been adopted by several startups and companies to develop real-life applications that serve millions of users worldwide. In this article, we'll take a look at some successful Node.js applications and how they leverage the power of the platform.

1. PayPal

PayPal is one of the largest online payment systems globally, processing transactions worth billions of dollars every day. They moved their checkout system from Java to Node.js, and it resulted in a 2x increase in the number of transactions per second and a 35% reduction in response time. The move to Node.js also helped PayPal improve the efficiency of their development process by reducing code complexity.

2. LinkedIn

LinkedIn is the world's largest professional network with over 700 million users. LinkedIn moved their mobile backend stack to Node.js, resulting in a significant reduction in response time and improved scalability. They also found that Node.js helped them reduce their codebase size and simplify their infrastructure.

3. Uber

Uber is a ride-hailing platform that connects drivers and riders worldwide. They used Node.js to build their real-time streaming platform, called "Chimera". Chimera helps Uber manage data in real-time by providing a scalable, fault-tolerant system. Node.js allowed Uber to build a performant, real-time streaming platform that could handle millions of events per second.

4. Netflix

Netflix is a leading streaming service provider with millions of users worldwide. They use Node.js to build their user interface on their website, allowing for faster load times and improved user experience. Node.js also allows them to provide real-time updates to users about their viewing history and recommendations.

5. Walmart

Walmart is the largest retailer in the world, with over 11,000 stores in 27 countries. They use Node.js to build their mobile application, which allows customers to shop online, check prices, and find the nearest Walmart store. Node.js helps Walmart build a scalable and fast mobile application that can handle millions of transactions per day.

6. Trello

Trello is a project management tool that allows users to organize and prioritize their tasks visually. They use Node.js to power their real-time collaboration feature, allowing team members to work together on projects in real-time. Node.js also helps Trello handle a large volume of data while maintaining fast performance.

7. Groupon

Groupon is an e-commerce platform that connects businesses with consumers, offering deals and discounts on products and services. They use Node.js to build their website, which handles a large volume of traffic and transactions every day. Node.js allows Groupon to provide a fast and responsive user experience while handling complex data and transactions.

8. Medium

Medium is a popular blogging platform that allows users to create and publish articles on a wide range of topics. They use Node.js to build their real-time commenting feature, allowing users to engage in discussions and provide feedback on articles in real-time. Node.js also helps Medium handle a large volume of data while maintaining fast performance.


NASA uses Node.js to build their Mars Rover project, which explores the surface of Mars and collects data on the planet's environment. Node.js allows NASA to handle real-time data from the Mars Rover and communicate with the rover's onboard computer in real-time. Node.js also helps NASA handle a large volume of data while maintaining fast performance.

10. eBay

eBay is an online marketplace that connects buyers and sellers worldwide, offering a wide range of products and services. They use Node.js to build their website, which handles a large volume of traffic and transactions every day. Node.js allows eBay to provide a fast and responsive user experience while handling complex data and transactions.


Node.js is an excellent choice for building scalable and high-performance applications, and these examples of successful Node.js applications prove it. PayPal, LinkedIn, Uber, Netflix, and Walmart all leverage Node.js's strengths to build applications that serve millions of users worldwide. Node.js has become a popular choice for startups and companies looking to build real-life applications that require scalability, performance, and efficiency.

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Written by Hexadecimal Software Team A software development company in India. You should follow on Linkedin