Why Mask Adhaar is necessary

April 12, 2023

Biometric Baking

Aadhaar masking refers to the process of obscuring or redacting the Aadhaar number or other sensitive information present in documents or images. The Aadhaar number is a unique identification number issued by the Indian government that contains sensitive personal information such as name, address, date of birth, and biometric data. Masking Aadhaar is an essential step to protect personal information from unauthorized access or misuse.

Aadhaar masking can be done using various software tools, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader or any PDF editor, Microsoft Word, or image editing tools like Photoshop. The process involves selecting the sensitive information, such as the Aadhaar number, and replacing it with asterisks, black boxes, or any other symbols that conceal the information.

How aadhaar masking came into prevalence

Aadhaar masking is important for protecting the privacy and security of individuals' sensitive personal information. Aadhaar is a unique identification number issued by the Indian government to every Indian resident that contains sensitive personal information such as name, address, date of birth, and biometric data, including fingerprints and iris scans.

The increasing use of Aadhaar across various sectors, including banking, telecom, insurance, and government departments, has led to concerns around the safety and security of this sensitive information. There have been several instances of Aadhaar data breaches, where personal information of individuals has been leaked or misused. This has resulted in identity theft, fraud, and other forms of financial crimes.

Aadhaar masking is one of the ways to mitigate these concerns and ensure the safety and privacy of Aadhaar data. Masking involves redacting or obscuring the Aadhaar number or other sensitive information present in documents or images using various software tools such as Adobe Acrobat Reader, Microsoft Word, or image editing tools like Photoshop. The process involves selecting the sensitive information and replacing it with asterisks, black boxes, or any other symbols that conceal the information.

The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), the governing body responsible for Aadhaar, has also issued guidelines around Aadhaar masking to ensure that the Aadhaar number is not misused or shared without proper authorization. UIDAI has also mandated that Aadhaar numbers be masked in documents and images shared online or offline.

What is EDO Suite

EDO Suite refers to the Electronic Data Optimizer Suite, which is a software solution designed to help organizations improve the efficiency and accuracy of their data processing and management. The suite is developed by TCS (Tata Consultancy Services), an Indian multinational IT services, consulting, and business solutions organization.

The EDO Suite consists of various software modules that can be customized and integrated to meet the specific needs of organizations. The modules include:

Data Profiling

This module helps organizations to identify data quality issues, such as missing values, inconsistencies, and duplicates, in their data sources. It provides a detailed analysis of the data and recommends corrective measures to improve data quality.

Data Integration

This module enables organizations to integrate data from different sources and formats into a single system. It allows for real-time data integration and synchronization, ensuring that the data is always up-to-date and accurate.

Data Quality

This module helps organizations to improve the quality of their data by validating, cleansing, and enriching data. It ensures that the data is accurate, consistent, and compliant with regulatory requirements.

Master Data Management

This module provides a single view of all data entities, such as customers, products, and suppliers, across the organization. It helps organizations to manage data entities more efficiently, improving the accuracy and consistency of data.

Metadata Management

This module provides a centralized repository for storing and managing metadata, such as data definitions, data lineage, and data relationships. It helps organizations to understand the context of their data and ensure that it is used appropriately.

The EDO Suite is designed to help organizations streamline their data management processes, reduce operational costs, and improve the accuracy and consistency of their data. It can be customized to meet the specific needs of different industries, such as banking, insurance, healthcare, and manufacturing. TCS provides comprehensive support services for EDO Suite, including installation, configuration, training, and maintenance, ensuring that organizations get the maximum benefits from the software.

How EDO suite help in adhaar masking

The EDO Suite can help in Aadhaar masking by providing an efficient and accurate way of identifying and masking Aadhaar numbers present in large volumes of data.

One of the modules in the EDO Suite is the Data Profiling module, which can analyze data sources and identify the location of Aadhaar numbers in documents and images. This module can help identify Aadhaar numbers that may be hidden or embedded in different formats, such as images or PDF files.

Once Aadhaar numbers have been identified, the Data Quality module of the EDO Suite can be used to mask them by replacing them with asterisks, black boxes, or any other symbols that conceal the information. This helps in protecting the privacy and security of individuals' sensitive personal information, as the masked Aadhaar number cannot be misused or shared without proper authorization.

In addition, the Master Data Management module of the EDO Suite can help organizations to manage Aadhaar numbers more efficiently by providing a single view of all Aadhaar numbers across the organization. This module can help in ensuring the accuracy and consistency of Aadhaar data, reducing the risk of errors and data breaches.


Aadhaar masking is essential for protecting the privacy and security of individuals' sensitive personal information. It is a mandatory practice for organizations and individuals to ensure the safety and privacy of Aadhaar data and mitigate concerns around identity theft, fraud, and other forms of financial crimes. The EDO Suite can help organizations in Aadhaar masking by providing a comprehensive data management solution that can identify, mask, and manage Aadhaar numbers efficiently and accurately. This can help in mitigating concerns around the safety and security of Aadhaar data, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements, and protecting the privacy of individuals' sensitive personal information.

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Written by Priyanshu Bisht An individual who is part of the development team at Hexadecimal Software Company, a software development firm located in India. You should follow on Linkedin